Some useful club documents:
Lothian Disability Badminton Club Constitution (docx)
Risk Assessment-Venue-Event-Coaches (docx)
LDBC Basic Code of Conduct (docx)
Player Medical Form - April 2018 (docx)
Player Registration Form 2020 (docx)
Referral Form for Suspicions or Allegations of Abuse of a Child or Vulnerable Adult (docx)
Appendix A- LBDC Code of Conduct for Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (docx)
AppendixB- Self Declaration Form (docx)
AppendixC- Ant-Doping Policy (docx)
AppendixD- Social Media Policy (docx)
AppendixE- Code of Conduct(All Members) (docx)
AppendixF- Code of Practice for Coaches (docx)
AppendixG- Making a Referral (PVG Scheme) (docx)
AppendixH- Transgender people in sport guidlines (docx)
AppendixI- General Data Protection Policy 2018 (docx)
Emergency Operating Procedures - LDBC (2).doc